Aleksey Morozov

Aleksey Morozov

Machine learning engineer at Huawei; PhD student and researcher at MIPT

About Me

Hi, I am PhD student and research scientist at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Currently I'm working as machine learning engineer at Huawei Russian Research Instituse. My academia research is based on classical machine learning approaches: feature selection, object recognition, model verification, computational complexity. Last year I finished Yandex data school.


Huawei - Russian Research Institute

Machine learning engineer

July 2021 - present

Intelligent systems and Data science Technology center - Computing algorithm team

Our project is related to the development and optimization of distributed algorithms for the Apache Spark framework. I'm involved into subproject: development and optimization of distributed classical machine learning. We develop a general-purpose library (collection) of algorithms that will be used by Huawei customers to analyze their real-world data

MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Research scientist

August 2019 - present

MIPT, one of the leading Russian universities in the areas of physics and technology. The university holds a reputable position in the country and abroad in qualified graduate training.

There are several tasks, that I was involved

  • Creation of a unified methodology of constructing algorithms for recovering a wide class of dependencies in terms of generalized linear models.
  • Development of a methodology for a differential cross-validation scheme for the selection of hyperparameters.
  • Implementation of the scheme for hyperparameters estimation by differential cross-validation.

Math tutor

Undergraduate Research Intern

October 2013 - May 2018

I worked with many pupils from 1st to 11th. We trained logical thinking, both basic and advanced math. Also taught olympiad mathematics, after that some of my students joined MIPT.


Teacher of mathematics

September 2014 - August 2015

ZNOUA - is an educational company with a great mission: to give every child in Ukraine the opportunity to enter the school of their dreams, thus changing their future for the better!

There were three classes of students: two on base and one in advanced track. All of them successfully passed exams end became university students.


Working on PhD thesis: "Verification of non-stationary dependency models". Got several publications and conference presentations, more details below.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Master's degree

September 2016 - July 2018

With Master's degree I acquired knowledge on data science and machine learning. Ended with diploma "Algorithms for choosing a regression model in big data" and began studying on PhD.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Bachelor degree

September 2012 - July 2016

At university I've got classical computer science education at faculty of computer science and cybernetics. After second cource I joined Department of Computational Mathematics and made my diploma "Research of random number sensors".

Additional education

Joined YSDA to learn most advanced and cutting edge knowledge on both classical machine learning and deep learning.

The training program in the basics of risk management in the financial sector that covers all major areas of risk management. As part of this, I received applied knowledge in the field of risk management from the best experts of Sberbank.

Tinkoff fintech school

Risks and fintech trends

October 2017 - May 2018

Passed two courses:

  • Risk management. Studied forecasting customer behavior, predicting the solvency of borrowers, evaluating the profitability of new business areas.
  • Fintech trends. Lectures about how big tech companies create services and applications from top-managers Tinkoff.



Main publications


Other skills and interests

Technical skills

  • Programming: Python Scala C++ C Latex
  • Libraries: Spark pytorch keras transformers plotly neptune ampligraph dask jax skimage nltk ...


  • Russian: Native
  • Ukrainian: Native
  • English: Advanced

Grants (RFBR)

  • 19-37-90159: "Linear complexity algorithms for dependency estimation from large amount of empirical data"
  • 20-07-00382: "Methods for reducing the computational complexity of dependency estimation algorithms in big empirical data"